For a business to succeed, support your users.
As part of our work, we discuss with the business what are their goals; We analyse how your users can and would those services and how best to aline. This creates a good understanding of the design and UX teams to attempt to fulfil what is needed.
Knowing your users is at the heart of User-Centered Design (UCD), with designers focusing on actual users and their needs throughout the design process. The goal is to design interfaces and products that work for those users.
The International Standards Organisation define User Experience as “…a person’s perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of a product, system or service” (ISO 9241-210)
01. Stakeholders provide
As the beginning of the project, the first question to ask is ‘what can you tell me about your users?’ The stakeholders should be able to provide plenty of information on the value proposition, previous executions, competing products, and their vision for the business.
02. User Feedback
Once we understand the business direction, we invite 7 to 8 of your current users from varied segments (students, working calls, male/female etc), where we discuss their pain point on your products & services.
We discuss how they use your services, when they use them and how they feel about your company and services.
03. Data Analysis
The UX team would map out and align the stakeholders’ and the users’ needs desires. This produces a strong basis for the strategy.
The user feedback received from a number of sources would also feed into the analysis phase. E.g user testing feedback, suboptimal data in user analytics, results from usability analysis. These may point to problems that exist with the user flow, and performing a UX analysis will uncover possible solutions.
Recent experiences
Our work shows us to be agile, flexible, innovative and determined to succeed, feel free to experience our past work.

SkyNews Arabia
Sky News Arabia is an Arabic news and current affairs channel broadcast mainly in the Middle East and North Africa

The Uniform Studio
Providing clients with a more unified uniforms solution
We truly believe, the only way to ensure a company’s success if by talking to those who need and use your services, that’s your users. By talking to them, analysing what they are saying/not saying and aligning those facts to your company goals.
We call this our “USER” framework.